Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does the State of Idaho have a Freedom of Information Act? 
Yes, it is called the "Public Records - Right to Examine", Idaho State Code 9-338. Please contact the appropriate state agency directly for the records you want.
2. Can I get a fee waiver for my requested document? 
DOE may determine to waive or reduce fees in cases where furnishing the information primarily benefits the general public by significantly assisting citizens in understanding how their government works. A request for a waiver or reduction of fees should be submitted with your FOIA request. A request for a waiver or reduction of fees should be submitted with your FOIA request. For more information about the criteria for a fee waiver or reduction see 10 CFR 1004 .9.
3. What if my request takes longer than 20 days? 
The FOIA officer will contact the requester if it is anticipated that the response will take longer than 20 days. She will offer the requester the opportunity to limit the scope of the request in order to meet the 20 day limit or arrange with the requester an alternative time frame for processing the request or a modified request.
4. What if I don't know exactly what I want?
Describe the records you want as specifically as possible.
5. What if the information that I want is taken out of the document I receive? 
You have appeal rights for any information that is withheld under the Freedom of Information Act.  For more information see  10 CFR 1004 .8 .
6. Who is the authorizing and denying official?
Anna Christensen is the authorizing and denying official for DOE-ID.


DOE-ID FOIA Contact: Anna Christensen
Last Updated 03/02/2023