The information contained here represents DOE-ID's responses to FOIA requests that have been or are likely to be of broad public interest, as stipulated under the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996. As required by the Act, documents created after November 1997, which meet the criteria for electronic presentation, will be made available here. Other documents requested under the FOIA will also be made available electronically when feasible. |
The following documents pertain to the July 28, 1998 CO-2 Accident at the Test Reactor Area, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. |
| The Consolidated Response to Type A Investigation of CO-2 Fatality at Test Reactor Area, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory - 3 MB  |
| Type A Accident Investigation Board Report of the July 28, 1998 Fatality and Multiple Injuries Resulting From Release of Carbon Dioxide at Building 648, Test Reactor Area Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory |
| Supplemental Response to the Type A Accident Investigation Board Report of the July 28, 1998, Fatality and Multiple Injuries Resulting from Release of Carbon Dioxide at Building 648, Test Reactor Area, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. - 1.1 MB  |
| Identification of the Specific Mechanism by which the CO2 System in Building TRA-648 Accidentally Discharged. - 652 KB  |
| Review of the Code Compliance, Design, and Installation of the CO2 Fire Suppression System in Building TRA-648 of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. - 463 KB  |
The following documents pertain to the January 3, 1961 accident at the Stationary Low Power Reactor No. 1 (SL-1). |
| SL-1 Reactor Accident on January 3, 1961, Interim Report, May 1961 | IDO - 19300a - 16 MB , IDO - 19300b - 18 MB  |
| SL-1 Recovery Operations," January 3 - May 20, 1961 | IDO - 19301 - 55 MB  |
| IDO Report on the Nuclear Incident at the SL-1 Reactor on January 3, 1961 at the National Reactor Testing Station, January 1962 | IDO - 19302 - 16.5 MB  |
| The Role of Meteorology Following the Nuclear Accident in Southeast Idaho, May 1962 | IDO - 19310 - 3.9 MB  |
| Final Report of SL-1 Recovery Operation, July 1962 | IDO - 19311a, - 21 MB  IDO - 19311b - 12.6 MB  |
| Additional Analysis of the SL-1 Excursion, Final Report of Progress July through October 1962, November 1962 | IDO - 19313 - 20 MB 